2020 Presidential Election Polls An Overview

2020 Presidential Election Polls: An Overview

Averages and Outliers

The New York Times/Siena College poll, released on Wednesdays, has been an outlier among the many polls tracking the 2020 presidential election. This poll has consistently shown a wider margin of victory for Democratic candidate Joe Biden than other polls, leading some to question its accuracy.

In contrast, a poll average that takes into account each poll's quality, sample size, and recency has shown a much closer race. This average, which is updated daily, currently shows Biden with a narrow lead over Republican candidate Donald Trump.

State Polls

Another important factor to consider is the state polls. While the national polls provide a general sense of the race, the state polls are more predictive of the outcome in the Electoral College. The 270toWin Polling Average tracks the latest polls in each state and provides an indication of which states are likely to be won by each candidate.

Election Day

Ultimately, the only poll that matters is the one that will be conducted on Election Day, November 5th. Until then, it is important to take all polls with a grain of salt and to be aware of the potential for outliers.


The 2020 presidential election is shaping up to be a close one. While the polls currently give Biden a slight edge, it is still too early to say who will win. The state polls will be crucial in determining the outcome, and it is important to pay attention to the latest updates as Election Day approaches.

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